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These are long-form articles that delve much deeper into the subject at hand! They take me a bit longer to write, but I hope to have one up every month or so.

Creating a Garden Journal using Bullet Journal Techniques

During my final years at college, I created a crude version of a bullet journal to keep track of all the various classes and activities. That planner was a life saver. Post college I stopped using the planner as the activity level dropped; but in the past few years, I found myself needing to record events and thoughts again, and came across bullet journaling. It has really helped keep life organized, so in the spirit of staying organized, I decided to create a garden journal using the same techniques. Read More…

2019 Balkongarten Reflection

Balkongarten in August I think it’s important to reflect on the successes and failures of the 2019 Balkongarten. Taking a few moments to reflect will help me realize where to focus my efforts next season in order to grow as a gardner. Be sure to take some time to reflect on your growing season or, if you’re new to gardening, imagine what you’d like to accomplish for your first season. Read More…

The Scary Seed

This is the year, the year that I’m finally going to face a fear. In the past I’ve avoided it and paid the price. It’s the seed. Tithonia seedlings I forgot to water; luckily they sprung back after a good soak. That’s right, I’ve been afraid of starting from seed. Who wants to get their hopes up watching their tiny seedlings grow, only to see them die later? Read More…

Starting Your Seed Calendar

I think everyone loves the idea of growing from seed but most people are afraid to do it. It’s time to get over that fear—me included—mainly because they are much cheaper than buying plants at the store and are much more rewarding. There are also more varieties to choose from than what you’ll find in stores. But before you plant seeds it’s best to know when to plant them for the most success, and this is where a seed calendar comes in handy. Read More…