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der Auspackraum: The recycling room at the University

alte Frauen:- the, sometimes friendly (you have a 50:50 chance), “neighborhood watch” of older ladies who are obvious about prying watching, by sticking their heads out their windows with a disapproving look on their face and are not afraid to shout at you either (to be fair sometimes older men do this too but generally it’s the ladies)

die Blumenzwiebel: spring bulb, literal translation flowering bulb

der Chef: the boss, owner of the garden

die Dahlieknolle: dahlia tuber

der Fingerhut: foxglove, literal translation finger hat Digitalis purpurea

die Frühlingszwiebel: green onion, spring onion

der Garten des Chefs: the boss’s garden, literal translation ‘the garden of the boss’ aka a pain in the butt grammar rule called Genitive, denoting possession

der Gärtner: gardener

der Glühwein: mulled red wine, holiday drink during Weihnachtsmarkt, Christmas Market, so you, and your fingers, do not freeze while hanging out in the cold

der Haufen: heap, pile; in other words much smaller than a hill

Hochparterre: a building whose ground floor apartments are located half a floor above street level, aka a sneaky way to get people to consider a ground floor apartment because it’s not directly at ground-level, but a hochparterre (it’s still a ground floor apartment)

der Naschgaertchen: naschen means to nibble or eat sweet things, a cute term meaning small nibble garden or small snack garden

der Rosenkohl: Brussels sprouts, a much prettier more appetizing name than the English version

Steigstrasse: ‘climb street,’ a very steep street in Meersburg which requires climbing

das Stiefmütterchen: pansy, literal translation little step mother Viola tricolor hortensis

die Tulpe: tulip

die Zwiebel: onion